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Every February, Black History Month recognizes and honors the rich cultural heritage and significant contributions of the Black community. In a similar spirit to my reflections on Juneteenth, this month presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneur-led organizations to enhance their internal culture and actively engage their teams in promoting diversity and understanding. Whether you’re leading an early stage startup or a larger organization, I’m sharing a few ways that I’ve created impactful moments to meaningfully participate in Black History Month, both in smaller and larger team environments–and even virtually.

Educate and Engage

Host Educational Workshops and Events

In the past, we’ve collaborated with Black entrepreneurs and business owners within our industry to host virtual workshops and panels. These sessions delved into the vast contributions of Black individuals in our field, discussed here-and-now issues affecting the Black community, and explored ways to create allyship within the workplace. These events served as a platform for learning and discussion, helping to foster a deeper understanding and respect for the experience of Black entrepreneurs and leaders within our industry.

Create a Book Club Discussion Group

Establishing a book club focused on topics of interest and literature by Black authors can foster understanding and allyship. These book club discussions can also serve as platforms for open dialogue, allowing participants to discuss the themes and their relevance in today’s societal context. Perspectives shared can also serve as a catalyst for broader conversations about diversity and inclusion within your organization.

Support Black Businesses and Communities

Partner with Black-Owned Businesses 

Partnering with Black-owned businesses is a direct way to show support and foster economic growth within the Black community. Collaborating with Black-owned businesses on social media or within your company’s newsletter to amplify visibility of their business, products and services can be a powerful way to show support for local companies within your community. Highlighting these companies on your marketing channels not only promotes these businesses but it also demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity outside of your internal organization.

Invest in Community Projects

Contributing to projects that uplift Black communities is a tangible way to make a difference. This can take the form of financial support, volunteering time, or offering business expertise to help community initiatives thrive. Research organizations and projects within your local community that tie back to your mission as an organization to create a synergistic cultural opportunity for your team to get involved. At Briogeo, we recently hosted a company volunteer day with Soul Fire Farm, an Afro-Indigenous community farm in New York state that works to uproot racism and bring back ancestral farming practices such as building topsoil, sequestering soil carbon, and increasing biodiversity.

Long-Term Commitment Beyond Black History Month

Diverse Hiring and Leadership Opportunities

True diversity in the workplace transcends the mere act of hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds. It involves a deeper commitment to creating an environment where these diverse voices are not only heard but also empowered and nurtured. This means going beyond tokenistic measures and genuinely investing in the professional growth of Black employees. Encouraging mentorship and leadership development among Black employees fosters a more inclusive corporate culture which leads to stronger retention and a truly equitable workplace.

Year-Round Educational Initiatives

The journey towards understanding and respecting Black history and culture shouldn’t be confined to a single month. It’s a year-round commitment that requires continuous effort and dedication. This means integrating educational initiatives into your regular business agenda, including ongoing community investment efforts, guest speaker events, and cultural awareness training sessions that support ongoing learning and understanding within your organization. It’s about creating a culture where diversity is not just recognized but is celebrated and woven into every aspect of your company’s culture.


In celebrating Black History Month, entrepreneur-led organizations of all sizes have the power to make a significant impact. By educating, engaging, supporting, and fostering inclusivity, businesses can honor this month in a way that resonates deeply within their internal community and company culture. This month and beyond, be inspired to continuously find ways to further impact and inclusivity within your organization, where diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated meaningfully and with intention.
