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Vivian Tu: Mastering Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship

Vivian Tu is known for the engaging and accessible personal finance advice on her platform, Your Rich BFF, and in her book, Rich AF. A former Wall Street trader turned content creator, educator, and bestselling author, Vivian has made it her mission to simplify finance for everyone — especially those historically underserved by traditional financial systems. Her entrepreneurial journey has inspired countless people to take control of their financial futures while staying true to their passions.

Key Insights from Nancy’s Conversation with Vivian

As a guest on the Makers Mindset podcast, Vivian talked about navigating side hustles, branding, and making strategic decisions as an entrepreneur. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Recognize When to Make the Leap

Vivian spoke candidly about the difficulties of balancing her full-time job with Your Rich BFF, which was growing fast. Trying to do both led to burnout — and she eventually realized that to truly excel, she had to commit fully to her side business.

“I hated my job. I hated Your Rich BFF. And [my fiancé] asked me the smartest question I’ve ever been asked: ‘Did it ever occur to you that you don’t hate your job and you don’t hate Your Rich BFF — you hate doing them at the same time?'”

Takeaway: Recognize the tipping point when juggling both a job and a side hustle is no longer sustainable. And be prepared — both emotionally and financially — before you make the leap. That means building a solid financial safety net that covers essentials and lets you focus on your business without money stress.

2. Find Your White Space

Vivian also talked about discovering your “white space” in the market. For her, it wasn’t about inventing something entirely new but finding a way to present personal finance in a more digestible and engaging way.

“I didn’t reinvent the wheel. I wasn’t the first person to create content about personal finance. But I realized that people want information fast, and attention spans are shorter.”

Takeaway: You can focus on refining how you deliver your product or service instead of always trying to create something entirely new. Look for ways to make something clearer, easier, more valuable, or more fun for your audience — that can be your gap in the market.

3. The Power of a Recognizable Brand

Branding is a critical part of Vivian’s success. She worked diligently to make Your Rich BFF recognizable and memorable, to the point where people remember her tagline. But she pointed out that there are two types of brands you need to work on: company and personal..

“’I’m Vivian, Your Rich BFF and your favorite Wall Street girly.’ People literally yell that to me on the street. It’s working — because when my branding is so strong that other people are saying it, that’s when you know it’s sticky.”

Takeaway: Invest in your company’s brand and your personal own brand. Share behind-the-scenes moments, connect with customers on a human evel, and involve them in your journey. This creates trust and builds a deeper connection with your audience.

4. Embrace the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)

Vivian embraces JOMO — the joy of missing out — as a way to focus and avoid burnout.

“I used to say yes to every opportunity, no matter how inconvenient. Now, I embrace JOMO. The world kept turning, and I realized it’s okay to say no sometimes.”

Takeaway: Practice strategic focus by saying no to opportunities that don’t match up with your long-term goals. This lets you keep your energy and show up as your best self for your business and your customers.

The content Vivian makes shows us just how important financial independence really is — and her move from side hustle to full-time entrepreneurship is a perfect reflection of that. With careful planning and strong personal branding, she was able to balance purpose with strategy and achieve lasting success. By always aligning her decisions with her values, and by taking care of her well-being, she reminds us that sustainable growth doesn’t end with financial success.

What did you take away from Vivian’s episode of Makers Mindset? Tune in to the full episode and share your thoughts in the comments section below.

